Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 29: An Old Grill


OK, I need a bigger box.  This grill was all rusted.  The bottom had fallen out.  Time for it to go.  In our neighborhood, you can place just about anything on the curb, and it's gone in no time.  I once put a refrigerator on the curb at 10:00 at night, and it was gone when I got up the next morning!  The tinker comes by in his pickup, and throws it in the back. 

Scrap metal.  Spare parts.

We live in such a disposable society.  I find comfort and hope that this won't end up in the landfill, but find a new life in a variety of ways.  I find comfort that there are people that value our castaways.  A complete stranger helps me care for God's creation.

So I went there and saw the potter working at his wheel.  Whenever a piece of pottery turned out imperfect, he would take the clay and make it into something else.
                                                                                                           - Jeremiah 18: 3-4

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