Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 34: Wind-Blown Flags


At the entrance of the church, there are a couple of flage poles on which we fly various colored flags, to signal the liturgical seasons.  As I was looking for the red flags to put up for Passion Sunday, I found quite a few of these flags that were pretty much in shreds.  There's something about the front of our building that tunnels wind through there like few other places.  Only the strongest flags make it through more than one season.

I don't think it's accidental that the Holy Spirit is portrayed as wind: 

- She's the breath of God, breathing life into creation.
- She's the strong, driving wind that parts the Red Sea.
- She's the storm that tosses the disciples on the Sea of Galilee, and the wind that "filled the whole house where they were sitting" on Pentecost.

We move with that Spirit, tossed in the wind, giving it our all, until we finally surrender our threads and let go to the power of the gale.  Sweet surrender.

Think of a ship: big as it is and driven by such strong winds, it can be steered by a very small rudder, and it goes wherever the pilot wants it to go. 
                                                                                              - James 3: 4


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