Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 33: A Box of Letters


My attic continues to be a source for 40 Boxes for 40 Days.  Today, I found an entire box of letters, all from the early 1980s.  I kept a few of these letters, before putting the rest in the recycle bin, but all of them served as a snapshot of my life over 30 years ago. Some of them were notes to keep in touch, others were congratulating me on life events, others filling me in on what was going on elsewhere.

Despite the ease of digital mail, it cannot quite match the impact of the arrival of a handwritten letter.  As I was reading many of these letters, I appreciated the sheer effort it took to decide to write me, put pen to paper, and then physically post it.  The irony of even thinking this as I type out a blog entry that will be shared on Facebook does not escape me.  Even so, thanks for the memories, and send someone a letter today.

Could it be that, like some other people, we need letters of recommendation to you or from you?  You yourselves are the letter we have, written on our hearts for everyone to know and read.  It is clear that Christ himself wrote this letter and sent it by us.  It is written, not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, and not on stone tablets but on human hearts.
                                                                                                      - 2 Corinthians 3: 1-3

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